NEHAWU Northern Cape Statement On The COSATU 5th Provincial Congress

NEHAWU Northern Cape Statement On The COSATU 5th Provincial Congress

Friday February 11, 2022

The National Education Health and Allied Workers Union [NEHAWU] in the Northern Cape congratulates the Congress of South African Trade Unions [COSATU] for convening a successful 5th Provincial Congress.

The Congress was held from the 9th – 10th of February 2022 in Colesberg and was preceded by the inaugural Provincial Gender Conference which was convened from the 7th -8th of February 2022.

These gatherings were convened against the backdrop of the ongoing global pandemic that has wreaked havoc across the world. The COVID19 pandemic has left a devastating legacy on workers and poor masses both in the global north and south. While millions have been displaced due to the pandemic, capital has continued to draw in billions of dollars in profits through pharmaceutical companies. The push back against developing nations and their pro-poor policies have continued to receive attacks orchestrated by Bretton Wood institutions (IMF, World Bank etc.).

The congress took place at a time when our revolution is under attack from counter-revolutionary forces both within and outside the federation. The congress equally took place at a time when the South African Communist Party, COSATU and the African National Congress [ANC] are due to convene their national congresses and conferences respectively this year. Given these realities, it was expected and predicted by divisive elements from within the revolutionary alliance that the 5th Congress of COSATU would degenerate and lead to a highly divided and factionalised federation in the province.

To this end, malicious lies and unfounded allegations were manufactured and distributed across the social media platforms on the eve of the provincial congress with the intent to tarnish, isolate and discredit the leadership of NEHAWU and the SACP. Unfortunately these tactics were rejected by workers and affiliates at the 5th Congress of COSATU, including those that conceptualised, facilitated and implemented these lies.

We applaud the SACP in the province for having shown political and ideological maturity throughout the well planned theatrics aimed at delegitimizing the leadership of the SACP during the congress. More importantly, we wish to appreciate the NOB and CEC members of COSATU for having had foresight to provide the interventions made, which allowed us to have a politically, ideologically and organizationally balanced congress. As NEHAWU, we are looking forward to the implementation of the resolutions of congress which inter alia include the strengthening of our COSATU Locals.

We equally want to thank the outgone Provincial Chairperson, Comrade Zamani Mathiso for his sterling work over the past 10years, both as an Office Bearer in COSATU Local and as a Provincial Chairperson for two terms. His experience remains a huge asset for workers in the province and we wish him well in his future endeavours with the full hope that our paths will cross again.

As NEHAWU, we wish to officially congratulate the elected leadership collective of COSATU under the stewardship of our Provincial Chairperson, Comrade Jacques Cupido. We are mindful of the tasks at hand and have full confidence in the elected leadership collective.

We further wish to congratulate Comrade Regina Manhe, our Provincial Treasurer on her election as the COSATU Provincial Convenor/Chairperson of Gender.

We wish the leadership collective well in their revolutionary endeavour to unite affiliates and advance the national democratic revolution to its logical conclusion.


Issued by NEHAWU Northern Cape Provincial Secretariat
Moleme Moleme (Northern Cape Provincial Secretary) at 0824552521 - email:
Banzi Sebotse (Northern Cape Provincial Deputy Secretary) at 0636851900 or email to

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